Landfill - Mixed Waste Shredding Operation 

At M-Stream, we operate a state-of-the-art landfill mixed waste shredding operation, shredding an average of 600,000 kg of municipal waste per day. This service plays a crucial role in Malta’s waste management infrastructure and environmental sustainability efforts. 

Importance of Shredding Mixed Waste: 

Shredding mixed waste serves several important purposes:  

Shredding mixed waste significantly reduces its volume, allowing for more efficient transportation, storage, and disposal. This helps optimize landfill space and extends the lifespan of existing landfill sites. 

Shredding mixed waste facilitates the extraction of valuable materials such as metals, plastics, and organic matter through advanced sorting and recycling technologies. By recovering these resources, we reduce the need for virgin materials and promote a circular economy.

Shredding mixed waste before landfill disposal helps create more homogeneous waste streams, minimising the risk of waste stratification and leachate generation within landfill sites. This contributes to better landfill stability, reduces environmental risks, and enhances long-term environmental protection.

Shredding mixed waste can help mitigate environmental impacts associated with landfilling, such as odour emissions, wildlife attraction, and potential groundwater contamination. By effectively managing mixed waste through shredding and proper disposal, we safeguard environmental quality and protect ecosystems. 

Overall, the shredding of mixed waste is an integral part of modern waste management practices, contributing to resource recovery, landfill optimisation, and environmental protection. At M-Stream, we are committed to implementing innovative solutions for sustainable waste management and creating a cleaner, healthier future for Malta and beyond.